服務熱線:0755-2917 7061
1) 本技術指標書僅適用于RS-365SA-12195-51N 型號直流電機。
This specification just applies to RS-365SA-12195-51N DC motor to be supplied to you.
2) 本技術規格書僅供客戶參考,請務必確保馬達能滿足貴司產品要求。
We made this MOTOR SPECIFICATIPN is just for your conference. Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that the motor can satisfy the requirements of your application.
3) 當出現問題,雙方以本指標書為標準進行商議。
When defective performance is occurred mutual discussions shall be made in accordance with SPECIFICATION FOR APPROVAL to resolve the matter.
4) 如樣品確認后本規格書末蓋章回傳,我司則視為客戶下定單為本規格書樣品已確認通過。
If the sample confirmed but no stamp and return We will consider you Confirmed this sample and product
specification when issue order.
1 標準使用條件(STANDARD Operating CONDITIONS):
1-1 、額定電壓:24.0V DC,Rated voltage
1-2 、額定負載 :59g.cm,Rated load
1-3 、旋轉方向 : CCW,Direction of rotation
1-4 、工作電壓范圍 : DC18-28VDCat motor terminals , Operating voltage range
1-5 、工作溫度、濕度范圍 :-10~50°C/5%~85%RH (無水氣凝結)
Operating temperature humidity range (No condensation of moisture)
1-6 、擺放位置 輸出軸的任意方向
Motor position All position of protruded shaft
2-1 、馬達位置 軸向水平方向
Motor position Horizontal direction
2-2、 輸入電壓 規定的直流電源以確保無問題測量
Power supply regulated DC power supply assuring unquestionable measuring
2-3、 環境溫度與相對濕度 常溫常濕
Environment temperature And relative humidity 10-30℃ & Ordinary Humidity.如有爭議,以JIS 標準測試條件為準:(25±2℃65±5%)If the judgment is questionable, Measurement is to be made based on JIS Standard TestingCondition(25±2℃, 65±5%).
2-4 、除非特別注明,使用額定電壓Unless otherwise specified, rated voltage to be applied
2-5 、旋轉方向Direction of rotation 逆時針方向-從輸出軸端看為逆時針方向
CCW-when viewed from output shaft side.
3-1、 空載轉速 10000rpm±10%.
No load speed
3-2、 空載電流 0.12A (max).
No load current
3-3、 額定負載轉速 7830rpm±10%.
Rated load speed
3-4 、額定負載電流 0.36A (0.45A max).
Rated load current
3-5、 啟動電壓 4.0 V max.(無負載載狀態)(No Load)
Starting voltage
3-6、 堵轉電流 1.10A (MIN).
Stall current
3-7 、堵轉力矩 (250g.cm/min.-300g.cm/max)
Stall torque
3-8、 絕緣電阻 在馬達端子與機身間提供DC 500V 電壓
Insulation resistance 1 M? (min) DC 500V between motor terminal and motor metal housing.
3-9 、參考特性曲線圖Reference characteristic curve see spec T.N.I.
4-1、 尺寸 參考外型圖as per the outline drawing No:P5/5.
4-2、 外觀 表面無明顯變形或表面缺陷
Appearance no remarkable deformation and/or superficial defects
4-3、 軸向間隙 0.05-0.50mm.
Shaft end play
4-4、 軸徑向跳動 軸輸出端約2/3 位置用百分表測量
Shaft T.I.R 0.03mm(Max)at 2/3 of output shaft side and measured by dial gauge.
4-5、軸向壓力 最大15kg。軸向靜推力和支撐位置的方向如下圖
Maximum Axial Load 15kg max Direction of static load and support of load as shown bellow
4-6、 振動力 若有疑問雙方協議之Vibration To be set up with mutual consent.
4-7、額定電壓下機械噪音 馬達固定在海綿墊上(輸出軸水平狀態)額定電Mechanical noise 壓無負載條件下的機械噪音無超過65dB,拾音器探頭距離馬達30CM(最大背景噪音為50dB)。
65 dB(A)max. Motor fixed to the sponge pad, the output shaft horizontal. Under rated voltage Mechanical noise under No-load at rated voltage .Noise analyzer the Probedistance motor 30cm.(back ground noise
4-8 、重量 50 克左右Weight 50g approx.
5-1、 連續壽命 250 小時以上
Continuously running 250 Hours(min.)
5-2、 15min on /15min off 為1 cycle, 壽命要求1200 cycles 以上
測試條件Test conditions:
按以下狀態確定壽命終結Life end defined as follows:
1)電流與初始狀態下的電流有±10%差異When current is over±10% against the initial figure.
2)轉速與初始狀態下的轉速有±10%的差異When speed is beyond±10%.against the initial figure.
3)電機被明顯確認為無法使用When motor is unquestionable recognized as unusable.
儲存溫度 -20℃~70℃.
Storage Temperature
儲存濕度 5%~95%RH
Storage relative humidity
Keep dry, avoid storing in high temperature, high humidity or corrosive gas environment.
7-1 環境溫度條件對馬達表現有極大影響,請在本技術指標范圍內使用馬達。
Since the performance of the motor id affected by environmental temperature, condition should be give to
keep it away from out of range.
7-2 避免在高溫,高濕,及與腐蝕性液體﹑氣體接觸。
It is not allowed to operate in the high temperature with high temperature with high humidity or in the rust or
in the circumstance where the substances generating a harmful gas such as low molecular siloxan, syan,
formalin, quick-dry glue or the corrosive gas such as h2s,so2,xo2,cl,exist.
7-3 請不要在馬達運行時鎖定電機軸,若持續鎖定超過一分鐘,馬達將發熱甚至燒毀。
Do not lock the motor shaft while the electric is on. If lock state more than 1 minute would or resistor is heated up and may burnt down but not start fire.
7-4 應避免直接碰撞馬達。
Do not give direct shock to the motor.
8-1 當使用超出本規格指針范圍,不能保證產品性能。
Proper performance does not be guaranteed if the used in excess of specified value than indicated in the specifications.
8-2 本規格書在雙方協商后可進行調整及追加
Any revision and addition to the specification shall be made after mutual discussion and agreement.
8-3 為避免合格產品退回我司,我司不為客戶提供備份
In case those motors returned to us comply with the characteristics this technical specification, we are not liable to repair the motors free of charge.
8-4 貴司在IQC 檢查中發現有瑕疵產品,請注明原因并退回,我司不接受沒有任何標注的產品
When infects are found for the motors duly approved by your incoming inspection, the defective motors shall
be returned to us together with descriptions of the faults. We are to accept such motors only if the faults for
each motors are clearly mentioned.
8-5 貴司在測試本公司產品過程序中如有任何新的需求,請立即通知我司,我司會以優質和高效的服務以
If you have new requirement during testing our products please notice us immediately, and we will meet your
demand with our top-class quality and best service.
Motor Outline Drawing & Characteristic Curve Drawing.
本公司全系產品均符合歐盟ROHS 指令及后續免條款規范。
The company all is products are in line with the European Union ROHS directive and subsequent exemption
clause norms.